Base L-carnitine FitMax is a very popular and effective way to burn excess subcutaneous fat.
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Number | 60 caps |
Type | capsules |
Country | Poland |
Type of packaging | jar |
Price per serving | 5.288 gr |
Base L-carnitine FitMax is an effective fat burning drug for weight loss in a natural way for the body, that is, without side or unwanted effects. The additive is made according to international quality standards in Poland. Caused a storm of discussion among professional athletes, as it is not a hormonal or drug substance, and sometimes surpasses them in efficiency. The only difference is that Base L-carnitine implies voluminous intensive training, since the active substance, which directly affects body fat, converts fat into energy only under the influence of physical exertion.
Base L-carnitine from FitMax is a unique combination of pure carnitine and B vitamins. The supplement itself in encapsulated form is convenient to use and is quickly and easily absorbed by the body. The absence of side effects and contraindications for use allows Base L-carnitine to be used by a person with any level of preparedness.
To achieve the fastest possible result, you must follow a few rules: eat only complex carbohydrates, give up sugar-containing foods and reduce the daily calorie content by 500-1000 kcal from the recommended rate. Training and the use of Base L-carnitine will help speed up the fat burning process. However, do not forget that carnitine is not just a fat-burning drug, but also a dietary supplement that strengthens and heals the cardiovascular system. That is, people can use it to maintain or prevent the heart muscle.
Take 2-4 capsules every morning and half an hour before exercise. After a month, saddle a short break for 5-10 days. Then you can restore the course.
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