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Micellar casein of the new generation is an innovation in the world of sports nutrition.
Myprotein - Slow-Release Casein is a high quality source of micellar casein that is slowly digested with sustained release of amino acids.
Real Casein 100 Real Pharm is a high quality supplement containing micellar casein which provides sustained release of amino acids into the blood.
MEX Nutrition - Casein Blast is an excellent source of protein between meals, especially when there is a long gap between meals.
During muscle building, it is very important that the body receives amino acids all the time. As you know, this is not always easy to achieve.
Optimum Nutrition - Gold Standard 100% Casein food supplement contains a high-quality, high-performance long-acting protein - micellar casein.
BioTech's Casein Zero Dietary Supplement is a lactose-free casein protein containing a high concentration of slow-absorbing protein.
Syntrax - Micellar Creme contains high quality micellar casein that has been stripped of excess fats and carbohydrates for a low calorie content.
OstroVit – Micellar Casein food supplement is a slow digesting form of protein compounds with an unusual anabolic matrix.
BioTech's Casein Zero contains only the slow-digesting protein, the calcium salt of the casein protein.
Real Casein 100 Real Pharm is a high quality supplement containing micellar casein, which provides a sustained release of amino acids into the blood.
Casein is a long-acting protein with a complete amino acid composition. Sports nutrition manufacturers offer two forms of the product: calcium caseinate and micellar casein .
Once in the stomach, casein is destroyed, which forms the peptide casomorphin (an opioid - the release of histamine). In addition to athletic nutrition, casein is widely used in medicine, for example, in parenteral nutrition. Athletes are advised to consume this nutritional supplement during recovery, especially at night. The high concentration of arginine allows the natural synthesis of growth hormone. A significant concentration of BCAAs eliminates the process of decay of mouse fibers under the influence of cortisol.
Casein is a rich source of calcium. In addition to regenerative processes aimed at muscle hypertrophy, casein helps to strengthen the bone apparatus. Long-term physical activity entails a lot of changes at the physiological level. For example, for a normal recovery after a chest workout with basic exercises, seven days are enough. Of course, during the week it is necessary to train the chest, but with medium and small weights. It is during this period that the pectoral muscle, triceps and delta are restored. The regeneration time for bone tissue varies from person to person. Casein reduces the recovery time, bringing the effect of supercompensation closer.
Casein is highly recommended for people who are purposefully engaged in bodybuilding. In powerlifting, the number of repetitions ranges from 1 to 8. For auxiliary exercises that are not emphasized, up to 15 repetitions. Bodybuilding is training with high intensity and volume. Each workout implies a high tonnage on the body as a whole and a separate part of the body. The overload that an athlete experiences, without proper recovery, entails negative consequences. Only casein has everything you need for normal post-workout recovery: protein with a complete amino acid profile, calcium, arginine for growth hormone synthesis , vitamins and minerals, as well as a host of other useful macro- and micronutrients.
The action of casein begins after a few hours. In people with an accelerated metabolism - much faster. There are several forms of casein that take 6 to 12 hours to digest: calcium caseinate and micellar casein.
In the online store of sports supplements Proteininkiev you can buy casein in Kiev and Ukraine.
In more detail
Calcium caseinate is a complex protein formed as a result of the enzymatic curdling of milk. In the human stomach, casein turns into a kind of clot, the uniqueness of which is long-term absorption. A positive effect is a prolonged period of digestion time, which provides long-term nutrition of muscles with amino acids. Calcium caseinate has the ability to slow down the breakdown of other proteins, having a high protein value, but compared to whey protein, it is an order of magnitude lower. Thus, the feeling of hunger is eliminated. Proper diet and competent training activate anabolic functions. Let's not forget that hydrolyzed protein is several times more expensive than calcium caseinate. There are many types of training, including aerobic, anaerobic and mixed. Bodybuilding involves high-volume methods with large weights. The increase in strength indicators in basic exercises (bench press, squat, deadlift) require tremendous psychological endurance from the athlete. The weights that the athlete lifts in each workout are prohibitive. In both cases, an inhuman load falls on the body. For recovery, it is necessary to increase the daily protein intake several times compared to the diet of an ordinary person. Calcium caseinate, in addition to the restorative functions of muscle tissue at the cellular level, strengthens the endoskeleton, and also has many positive features. Calcium caseinate is rational to use during the drying period, after all, it is at this time that the bodybuilder is recommended to reduce daily caloric content and increase protein intake for bodybuilding. Unlike soy or complex protein, calcium caseinate does not retain water and fat. Appetite suppression occurs by slowing down metabolic processes, but a well-designed meal plan allows you to burn fat. Calcium caseinate is also suitable for athletes who want to gain mass. Sports nutrition manufacturers often make mixed forms of casein, such as calcium caseinate + micellar casein. To achieve muscle hypertrophy, it is necessary to systematize protein intake and increase the daily calorie intake. It is quite easy to buy calcium caseinate in Kyiv and Ukraine, as well as other athletic supplements in the catalogs of our website.
Micellar casein is the slowest-digesting protein powder form, almost twice as fast as calcium caseinate. Appropriate use is recommended during periods of prolonged fasting, as well as during recovery. Micellar casein is called a night protein, this is explained quite simply: getting into the gastrointestinal tract, they are converted into micelles - this is guaranteed to reduce the access area for enzyme functions. In bodybuilding, micellar casein is in great demand - its action is aimed at strengthening the body as a whole due to the high capacity of calcium, as well as the normalization of nitrogen balance. During the drying period, it is especially important to buy casein - it significantly suppresses appetite, but, unlike meal replacements or a gainer, this sports supplement does not retain water. The erroneous opinion of most novice athletes is that after a long time spent in the gym, powerlifters swim in fat. Strength officers, by virtue of their direction, exclude isolated exercises from the training program, which means that there is no drawing of muscles. Their main goal is to build up as much meat as possible, but without fat. Micellar casein is produced using more gentle technologies than simple casein, the value of protein in this case is much higher. To gain high-quality dry muscles, you need to balance your diet, as well as train competently. Many athletes spend more than three hours in the gym drinking a couple of BCAAs or eating one protein bar, but this is not enough. Muscle tissue must be constantly fed with amino acids, otherwise cortisol shows its destructive properties. And in the case of the security forces, training sometimes lasts up to five hours. Micellar casein nourishes the muscles with high-quality protein with a complete amino acid profile for 6-12 hours. It is possible to buy micellar casein in Kyiv and Ukraine on our web resource "Proteininkiev" at affordable prices online, or by calling the numbers indicated on the site. The catalogs of our web resource contain bioadditives from the best manufacturers of sports nutrition. Micellar casein is one of the few supplements that actually works. A high concentration of arginine and BCAAs allows you to build muscle in the shortest possible time. Drinking a casein cocktail at night eliminates catabolic processes, arginine, in turn, accelerates the synthesis of growth hormone.
Casein mixtures are a class of sports nutrition that belongs to the category of dietary supplements. There are two main forms of casein in bodybuilding supplements: calcium caseinate and micellar casein. The difference is only in the speed of assimilation and a slight difference in nutritional and biological value. The first has a longer anabolic effect, the second - less, but the biological value of micellar casein is several units higher. Also, some preparations include special substances, including natural enzymes, peptides, vitamins and minerals, which contribute to a more complete absorption. Casein in its pure form without filtration and enrichment with nutrients has a weak anabolic effect. The action directly depends on the inclusions in the composition, as well as the form of casein. For a more pronounced anti-catabolic effect, special additives have been created - mixtures of caseins. Why use casein? First of all, to maintain a positive nitrogen balance - that is, to eliminate the destruction of muscle proteins during forced starvation, as well as during sleep. Taking casein at bedtime enhances the synthesis of somatotropic hormone, thereby accelerating the process of regeneration of damaged myocytes. If the muscles are not restored the night before training, the visit to the gym will be wasted. Boxers and MMA fighters know that an injury will heal if left untouched, otherwise it will grow. But if you allow the damaged area of the body to recover, it will only become stronger. With muscles, the situation is the same, it's just that a person does not see visually scarred tissue, and often, too early, he believes that his muscles have been restored. For accelerated recovery, the body needs a building material - amino acids. It is at night that the main regeneration processes take place, contributing to the growth of lean muscle mass and increasing strength. Given the absorption rate of each of the caseins, you can choose an additive for yourself, knowing how much exactly the athlete will sleep today, however, in some cases you cannot rely on luck and it is better to buy a casein complex. The Proteininkiev sports nutrition store has a wide selection of sports caseins, proteins and other supplements for gaining muscle mass, increasing strength/endurance, etc. Call the numbers listed on the site for a free consultation on choosing a sports nutrition.