Large servings of caffeine in just...
Each capsule of Omega 3 Iron Horse contains 1000 mg, this content is not found in pharmacy omega-3s!
100% Pure Whey Iron Horse is an ideal source of animal protein.
Protein 90 IronMaxx is a nine-ingredient signature protein shake. A distinctive feature of this product, unlike others, is the low content of fats, cholesterol and lactose.
IronMaxx - Multivitamin is a high-quality vitamin complex necessary for the normal functioning of most organs.
IronMaxx - Mineral Complex contains a complex of sources of minerals that can cover the daily requirement of the human body.
Food supplement IronMaxx - CLA contains linoleic acid, which belongs to the category of polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Dietary supplement IronMaxx - Teston is a natural muscle growth stimulant.
Food supplement IronMaxx - Guarana Active contains guarana extract, which continuously fills the body with strength and energy.