Sports Nutrition

Basic sports supplements are a category of sports nutrition that includes products whose action is aimed at the overall development of the body in the context of sports. That is, such supplements perform the function of saturating the muscles with nutrients, help to fully recover, prevent catabolism and reduce the feeling of fatigue and soreness after training. Basic sports supplements are used by both beginners and professionals, and are relevant for almost any period of training.

Basic sports supplements include protein, gainer, amino acids, BCAAs and creatine - you can buy all this in our Proteininkiev online store. If you do not have a clear idea of what is right for achieving your goal, our managers will help you with the choice over the phone or online chat.

Features of basic sports supplements

  • Almost everything can be called universal
  • Does not apply to steroid and hormonal drugs
  • Do not contain aggressive and prohibited substances
  • Directly or indirectly affect the recruitment of muscle mass and increase strength
  • Do not cause side effects and discomfort (subject to recommendations for use)

A little about the action of basic sports supplements

Protein is a dried protein of vegetable or animal origin, which is used to strengthen and increase muscle mass. Suitable for drying period. The most popular types are whey protein and casein.

A gainer is drunk when gaining a total mass, since it consists of carbohydrates and proteins, most often with a predominance of the former. Gives a double action: readily available energy and building material for muscles.

Creatine is used to improve muscle endurance. When stored in muscle tissue, it acts as an additional source of ATP - and you can do 3-7 repetitions more in each approach. As a result, strength indicators increase, and after the termination of the course, they do not fall.

Amino acids - already split protein - are easier and more natural for the body to assimilate. They prevent catabolic destructive processes and accelerate progress in gaining muscle mass, drying, etc. When fat burning, they help get rid of excess fat, while protecting muscles from destruction.

By using basic sports nutrition supplements, you can be sure that you get enough nutrients and calories, which means that you can achieve your desired goal in a fairly short time without harm to the body.

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