Mental optimization (nootropics)

Nootropics are specific drugs that have a stimulating effect on the most complex mental processes (memory, thinking, perception and speech). Under the action is meant the stimulation of the working capacity of the brain: the activation of cognitive functions, the improvement of memory and the ability to learn.

Without going into scientific terminology, after using a nootropic drug, the information received from the outside world (whether it be the environment, books, articles, etc.) is perceived much easier, while more useful information is remembered. It also increases the efficiency and desire to do something. It is known that after spending 30% of the energy resource, the body tends to rest, and productivity in the scientific field, at work or in the gym falls. The nootropic allows you to increase this percentage: some drugs, such as modafinil, delay the feeling of fatigue until 70-90% of the energy resource is spent. However, you should always remember that after such loads the body needs to rest.

Among the nootropics, there are drugs that have a therapeutic and prophylactic effect on the body:

  • Reducing the depressive state caused by apathy - the feeling of "lethargy" and drowsiness (narcolepsy) disappears;
  • Adaptive functions increase - resistance to stressful situations and the overall resistance of the body increase;
  • Exhaustion decreases, as well as mental and physical asthenia;
  • Some drugs act as stimulants, eliminating psychological lethargy, apathy, hypobulia, and other motivators of unwillingness to do something or live;
  • Decreased irritability and psycho-emotional excitability, however, not all nootropics have such properties;
  • Hypoglycemic action is aimed at lowering the level of glucose in the blood;
  • Biostimulating ergogenic effect - promotes accelerated recovery after exhausting physical exertion;
  • Promotes the synthesis of growth hormone and other anabolic hormones;
  • Activate lipolysis - a process associated with the oxidation of body fat.

You can read more about the properties of each nootropic in the product description, but the most common effect is to improve brain function, increase efficiency and improve memory. The action of the drug can last from 4 to 24 hours, in individual cases - more.

We offer to buy nootropics (nootropic) in Kyiv, Ukraine in our store at the best prices. For more detailed information, please contact the numbers listed on the site.

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