
L-Theanine (L-Theanine, L-Theanine) is a nutrient – an amino acid synthesized from green tea leaves – a powerful relaxant of natural origin. It is used for preventive purposes to normalize the psycho-emotional background of a person. It exhibits a psychoactive property, penetrating through the blood-brain barrier.
Theanine, like its predecessors such as melatonin and 5-HTP, belongs to the class of biologically active supplements. It is sold without a prescription and a doctor's recommendations for use. Overdose will not give an increased result, and the unnecessary part is eliminated from the body. Systematic reception allows to normalize the mental and neurometabolic functions of the brain. As a result, the general condition of the body will improve, the depressive state and, if there is, mandraj will be eliminated.
The properties of theanine have been known for a long time, because it is present in green tea and similar drinks. More concentrated forms in the form of dietary supplements allow you to experience all its benefits. Modern man, being in constant stress, causes colossal damage to his central nervous system and health in general. L-Theanine (L-Theanine, L-Theanine) eliminates cognitive tension and stress without harming health.

When and in what doses to take

*The following are general recommendations for intake, but can be adjusted depending on the individual's situation.
  • 50-100 mg of the active substance to support the normal psychological and emotional background of a person;
  • 100-200 mg with strong psycho-emotional stress;
  • 200-400 mg if you are depressed for a long time;
  • More than 400 mg of theanine is taken after or before a major shock, such as an important exam or a serious match.
Theanine does not relax the muscles - it "relaxes the mind", eliminating everything unnecessary, which later allows you to concentrate on the target task.
You can buy L-Theanine (L-Theanine, L-Theanine) in Ukraine or order delivery by courier in Kyiv through the form on our website or directly by the numbers indicated in the "Contacts" section.
Please note that you can buy a sample of theanine before purchasing the whole package/can. If necessary, you will receive a free consultation of our specialists on the selection of sports nutrition or relaxants. Calls are processed during office hours.
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